Weather Coverage
Nothing has more of an impact on the financial success or failure of an outdoor event than the weather. Every type of outdoor event, from a wedding to the World Series needs protection against losses that may arise from adverse weather. Concerts, sporting events, film and commercial shoots, fairs and outdoor sales...Etc., Etc., Etc. are all exposed to unpredictable perils.

Weather coverage has also been used as an ideal promotional tool for retailers. Retail stores and automobile dealerships have discovered why weather promotions can be a catalyst to increased sales and publicity. simply tailor a policy to match the marketing needs of your organization or to correspond with seasonal or sluggish sales. The uses of weather coverage are unlimited and can be based on any type of weather condition.

The use of sophisticated computer programs makes the application of weather coverage very flexible and affordable. The cost of this coverage is a function of the following factors: 1.) The threshold of precipitation (if applicable) 2.) The value of the insured prize 3.) The duration of the coverage 4.) The location of the event. Other elements may also influence the cost.

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